for goodness' sake

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Heating Things Up

As hot as the weather is now, a python named Houdini must've felt a bit chilly. He's just had an operation in Idaho to remove an electric blanket he swallowed.

Everything's just fine now. That's great news for Houdini, who somehow didn't manage to escape the call of the electric blanket ("Eat me, eat me"). I think the first Houdini could've gotten out of that one.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

You Go, Girl!

Most husbands don't appreciate when their wives put their oar in, but in this case, I'm sure the guy will make an exception.

An eighteen-year-old Bengali wife has saved her husband from certain death at the paws of a hungry tiger on the prowl. Mr. Tiger was dragging the poor man into the woods when his wife beat the animal into submission with her boat oar. What a woman!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Making Sweet Music

This story of a "street piano" in Sheffield, England, reminds me of my parents' The Mamas and The Papas record album that my sister and I used to dance to when we were little.

The song in particular I'm thinking of has these lyrics:

All we need is music (sweet music), sweet music (sweet music). There'll be music everywhere (everywhere). There'll be swingin', and swayin', and records playin', and dancin', in the streets. Oh, it doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there. So come on, every guy (come on) grab a girl, everywhere around the world. There'll be dancing--- they're dancing in the street.

So everybody, grab a street piano, grab a friend, and get moving!

Hello Dali

Being a Florida girl, I must admit I have been to the current Dali Museum in St. Pete. I've even had the fun of draping myself over a melted-clock bench. I think Dali would approve of that move.

So even though I'm in Japan, I'm really looking forward to seeing the new and improved museum, which will be open in 2010.

Don't Dali around building it, though, guys! We're all waiting!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


This is an amazing story of a Japanese man back again with his family, after being left behind in Russia decades ago!

Helps me to really appreciate my own family and what a gift they are.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The King and I

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and President Bush have spent the day at Graceland, amid fried peanut-butter and banana sandwiches, tacky sunglasses, and one article even mentioned that the Elvis Presley fan club is giving Koizumi a lock of the king's hair. Apparently the prime minister has been a lifelong fan, even launching in to Elvis's songs with celebrities on occasion.

Not only the leader of a country, but also the king of karaoke. And you gotta love the hair.