for goodness' sake

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm back!

I know all of my millions of blog readers out there have wondered where I've gone; well, I've finally returned to the land of good news and happy blog thoughts. My family and I had a super-spectacular visit to the UK to see our family and friends there, and let me tell you something that was really good: rhubard-crumble ice cream, homemade by my Super Chef Mother-In-Law! We feasted on roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, rhubard crumble, summer pudding, cheese and pickle sandwiches, fruitcake, Christmas pudding (but yes, it was in August!), cooked breakfasts, and so many other delicious delicacies. This American girl was totally spoiled. It's a good thing we walked quite a bit while we were there, otherwise the happy food would've turned into extra happy pounds (and I'm afraid it wouldn't have been the monetary variety).

Today I was excited to read on the BBC about Iranian women going to college. In many classrooms, they're outnumbering their male counterparts!

The article says that so many of the Iranian men are interested in making money straight away that they are leaving lots of spaces in the universities. The women sweep in (no 1950s homemaker reference there) and do the classroom thing. Now they're having trouble finding husbands with the same level of education.

You go, girls! Bust a learning move!


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